- "I am looking for a tool that to export a GPG private key to a Data Matrix 2d barcode for long-term archival" TPK Archival (200903)
- HOWTO Backup your GnuPG secret key on paper · /dev/schnouki "Paper is a safe way to backup a secret key: ... If you want to store your GnuPG secret key on a paper sheet, it is quite simple to do." (201003)
- Paper SSH & GPG key backups | (201505)
- QR codes for backup? (~2012)
- Generating QR Codes in Linux » Linux Magazine (201308)
- Grant Trebbin: Simple Data Backup with Paper Based QR Codes (201505)
- paperbank: Bitcoin Paper Key generator - using a thermal or photo pocket USB printer and a basic linux box (like a RaspberryPi) - Paper Wallet Generator (201602)
- (201602)
- (201803)
- Cryptographi: Piper: A bitcoin hardware paper wallet printer (stopped selling it in 201609)
- PaperBack (2007-2013; Windows)
- Paperbak: Back up your files on ordinary paper in the form of oversized bitmaps This goal of this project is to: i) document the process by which Paperbak is built ii) fix its crypto implementation
forks and similar projects
- This project aims to port into python cross-platform application
- List of similar projects
- Create a pdf with barcodes to backup text files on paper. Designed to backup ASCII-armored GnuPG and SSH key files and ciphertext. (201811)
- Tuxlifan/paperbackup: Should behave the same as this paperbackup but with using reportlab instead of PyX/LaTeX for PDF generation. (201809)
- Easy Paper Backups of ASCII PGP Keys: Shell scripts to convert between ascii armor PGP keys and QR codes for paper backup. (201707)
- (see also its forks)
Link list from Rupan/paperbak
Overview page about Paperbak, what references it and sister-projects
- copy from Link list
- Original page "PaperBack is a free application that allows you to back up your precious files on the ordinary paper in the form of the oversized bitmaps."
References and further resources
- 2009 Making Computer Backups - On Paper?! (Youtube video demonstration of Paperbak)
- 2010 Long-term archiving of digital data on microfilm
- This study shows that it is possible to store digital data (i.e., files or documents) on microfilm and to convert them back to a digital format. This offers a viable solution for the permanent storage of the original data streams as defined in most archival regimes in e-Government settings and long-term archives.
- 2012 "Paperbak lets you back up your files onto paper…yes paper! [Freeware]"
- 2012 A paper-based backup solution (not as stupid as it sounds)
- 1991 "Meine Geschichte über Rechenhilfsmittel"
- 2012 "PaperBack: Backing up on… paper?"
- 2015 Simple Data Backup with Paper Based QR Codes
- ( deleted page)
QR codes
- 2012 QR codes for backup ?
- 2013 Generating QR Codes in Linux
Archiving PGP/GPG keys on paper
- 2015 Paper SSH & GPG key backups (talking about Datamatrix and QR)
- 2010 HOWTO Backup your GnuPG secret key on paper
- 2009 Datamatrix dmtxread and dmtxwrite "I am looking for a tool that to export a GPG private key to a DataMatrix 2d barcode for long-term archival." TPK Archival David Shaw
Bitcoin paperwallet, paperkey, paperbank
- Paperwallet
- Bitcoin Paper Key - using a thermal USB printer and a basic linux box (like a Raspberry Pi) - Bitcoin Paper Wallet Generator
- Making Computer Backups - On Paper?! Youtube video of PaperBack v1.00 (200907)
- Paperbak lets you back up your files onto paper…yes paper! [Freeware] | The Red Ferret Journal (201208)
- A paper-based backup solution (not as stupid as it sounds) | ExtremeTech (201208)
- Meine Geschichte über Rechenhilfsmittel: Die Computerzeitschriften der 1970er Jahre enthielten oft seitenlange Listings, die recht mühsam abgetippt werden mussten. Die Zeitschrift mc - Magazin für Computerpraxis wollte hier Abhilfe schaffen und entwickelte die mc-Paperdisk. (201302)
- dvdisaster: dvdisaster is a computer program aimed to enhance data survivability on optical discs by creating error detection and correction data, which is used for data recovery. dvdisaster works exclusively at the (iso) image level. page, 201901) | Manual (from
- PaperBack: Backing up on… paper? |
- Optar stands for OPTical ARchiver. It's a codec for encoding data on paper or free software 2D barcode in other words. Optar fits 200kB on an A4 page, then you print it with a laser printer. If you want to read the recording, scan it with a scanner and feed into the decoder program. A practical level of reliability is ensured using forward error correction code (FEC). Automated processing of page batches facilitates storage of files larger than 200kB. (2016?)
- paperback-cli: Relatively high density file backups on paper. Cross-platform CLI port of Ollydb. This is a repo copy and fork of by Surkeh. Paperback-cli is the crossplatform, backwards-compatible, command line version of Oleh Yuschuk’s PaperBack. Originally designed to print encoded data directly to paper, it has been simplified to focus on encoding and decoding bitmaps that can be written to any printable media via whatever printing mechanism is available to your system. Recommended for small files such as cryptocurrency wallets, key revocation certificates, password databases, and any other important data only a few megabytes large. While the capacity is small compared to conventional storage media, this program encodes or decodes non-electronic backups characteristically resilient to or unaffected by electromagnetic disturbance, water, and heat. (201701)
- A colorized data storage scheme for printing on paper.
1 bit (BW; default) | 2 bit (CMY+White) | 3 bit (BW+RGB+CMY) |
PaperBak (memo)
- paperbak (memo)
Hier ist unser Pad für PaperBak und Co., begonnen am 04.11.2015 (helle Farben sind besser) Links: * * Long-term archiving of digital data on microfilm (2010) Woher hats du zbarimng hatte Dir berichtet, dass mein build von github nicht ging. ./configure configure: loading site script /usr/share/site/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu configure: error: cannot find install-sh,, or shtool in config "."/config Dann habe ich von "zbar" geladen, das enthält zbarimg und dmtxwrite? Sind die in irgendwelchen standard-suse-paketen dabei oder hast du diese selbstgebaut? ich habe mich mit QR- und Datamatrix beschäftigt. Gebe jetzt erstmal auf. Anbei ein Testprogramm, darin habe ich meine bisher gefundenen Probleme aufgeführt. Vielleicht weißt Du Rat. Eigentlich bin ich jetzt ganz scharf, ein vernünftiges Verfahren zu haben. Übrigens: Die Datendichte mit QR oder DMTX ist nicht so hoch wie bei Paperbak... das Thema legen wir erstmal zur Seite. "If you have a good laser printer with the 600 dpi resolution, you can save up to 500,000 bytes of uncompressed data on the single A4/Letter sheet. Integrated packer allows for much better data density - up to 3,000,000+ (three megabytes) of C code per page." #!/bin/bash # coding and decoding of a file into QR- or Datamatrix-codes # <infile> # Literature / sources: # # # # # # QR code qrchunk=1024 split -a 2 -b $qrchunk -d $1 $1.chunk- for file in ./$1.chunk-*; do qrencode -8 -l M -o $file.png < $file; rm $file; done montage -label '%f' $1.chunk-*.png -geometry '1x1<' -tile 2x $1-qr.png # 2x3 pro Seite (image) # montage -label '%f' $1.chunk-*.png -geometry '1x1<' -tile 2x3 $1-qr.png rm $1.chunk-*.png # QR decode zbarimg --raw $(ls $1-qr*.png | sort -n) > $1_qr-decoded # Problem 1: $1_qr-decoded != $1 # Datamatrix code dmtxchunk=512 split -a 2 -b $dmtxchunk -d $1 $1.chunk- for file in ./$1.chunk-*; do dmtxwrite -e 8 $file > $file.png; rm $file; done montage -label '%f' $1.chunk-*.png -geometry '1x1<' -tile 2x $1-dmtx.png # 2x3 pro Seite (image) # montage -label '%f' $1.chunk-*.png -geometry '1x1<' -tile 2x3 $1-dmtx.png rm $1.chunk-*.png # Datamatrix decode # Problem 2: dmtxread kann nicht mehrere image files einlesen # Problem 3: dmtxread hat auch Probleme, wenn mehrere (oder zu viele?) Datamatrix-Codes in einem Image sind # dmtxread $(ls $1-dmtx*.png | sort -n) > $1_dmtx-decoded